![]() In early 2021, NYSNLA held a Virtual Education Series, in order to provide quality professional development in safe setting. The Series also allowed us to bring together members and colleagues together from across the state to learn from nationally-recognized experts. If you were unable to join us for the Series, you can now access the entire Series presentations and watch them on-demand! There are a total of 7 offerings. Click the link to see all of the on-demand webinars available. https://www.nysnla.com/ves-on-demand-webinars CNLP Credits: Viewers who wish to obtain Certified Nursery and Landscape Professional (CNLP) credits will need to complete and submit a brief survey in order to earn the specified number of credit hours. NYSDEC and ISA credits are not available through these webinars.
![]() A New Year of Quality, Easy-to-Access Professional Development... We inaugurated our Virtual Education Series in 2021--and are pleased to bring the third year of value and professional development to the members of NYSNLA, our Regions, and green industry colleagues across the Empire State. CLICK the link below to learn more about the 2023 Virtual Education Series offered by the NYSNLA. https://www.nysnla.com/2023-virtual-education-series ![]() REGISTER TODAY FOR THE VIRTUAL EDUCATION SERIES! WE KICK-OFF NEXT WEDNESDAY! NYSNLA and the Regions are not going to be stopped by Omicron from bringing you quality professional development, networking and camaraderie! It's all come together and we are following the format we successfully used last year! Please join us for our Virtual Education Series 2022! For full details go to: https://www.nysnla.com/virtual-education-series-2022 Register today at: https://nysnla.memberclicks.net/virtualeducationseries2022#/ Event Dates: January 27 - March 10, 2021 Providing NYS Green Industry Professionals with the finest training and education! Introducing NYSNLA-Regions Virtual Education Days Series—running in January-March 2021. You can learn about this initiative by going to: https://www.nysnla.com/educational-symposium-virtual-ed-days-series
One of the many courses offered is Series Session 4 – Hosted by Region 4/Plantcny Wednesday, February 24, 2021 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. The Top 10 Tree Insects and Diseases of New York State with Dr. Beth Brantley, Bartlett Tree Research Lab Course Description This session will define the Top 10 tree insects and diseases found in New York State, look to the environmental and cultural conditions impacting trees, offer insights into the “tops” of each category, and provide attendees with proactive management and mitigation in plant health care. ![]() About Our Presenter Beth Brantley, Ph.D. is the Northeastern Technical Support Specialist with Bartlett Tree Experts. Beth is based out of Chambersburg, PA and assists Bartlett offices across the northeast. Her key areas of responsibility include diagnostic support, public education and research in arboriculture, with emphasis in tree risk assessment, veteran trees, soil and root health, and wood decay. Beth is an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist and is Tree Risk Assessment qualified. She taught forestry and related courses for more than 20 years at Penn State Mont Alto prior to joining Bartlett Tree Experts in June of 2019. In a different century, she also worked as a Forest Pathologist with the USDA Forest Service, State & Private Forestry, in Region 8. Beth enjoys growing unique plants from seeds, learning new plants (especially trees), meeting new people, eating exciting foods, traveling, hiking and camping. She is involved with local, non-profit environmental education organizations and The American Chestnut Foundation. Beth is passionate about trees, especially lesser-known and threatened species. To the members of PLANTCNY,
Please see the following message, sent to us from Carl Schimenti, Cornell Turfgrass Program Manager, regarding a number of webinars and virtual education programs that Cornell is sponsoring and making available to our members. If you would like additional information regarding these programs, please contact Carl directly; you’ll find his contact information at the end of this email. Thanks, and stay well! Linda ******************************** All, I’m reaching out today on behalf of the Cornell Turfgrass program. In lieu of the current situation re: Covid 19, we felt it would be beneficial to provide virtual forms of extension and education for our turf folks here in NY. This would also provide a forum for people to ask questions and also interact in a way that at least partially fills the social void that has been left open for many. We've decided to break them up into 3 separate webinars on different days. One for golf turf, one for sports turf, and one for lawn/landscape (which you all may have audiences that are interested in). We are hoping to keep these relatively short, around 15 mins, and then open up for questions at the end. I've put down the webinar links for each recurring webinar below, and the link will stay the same every week. Attendees will need to sign-in with an e-mail address before each session, but no need to register and of course no registration fee. Golf Turf: Every Wednesday, starting 3/25 at 10am. Link: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/599896323 Sports Turf: Every other Thursday, starting 3/26 at 10am. Link: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/968527067 Lawn and Landscape: Every other Friday, starting 3/27 at 10am. Link: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/790738453 We'd love for you to spread the word to anyone you feel is interested! Also of note: we may record and post webinar recordings to YouTube after the live session as we understand many people won't be able to attend every week. We are looking forward to it! Best, Carl Schimenti Cornell Turf Research Program Manager School of Integrative Plant Sciences 48A Plant Science Building College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cornell University Cell 607-227-2757 [email protected] | cals.cornell.ed 3/22/2020 Is Landscaping and Nurseries Classified as Essential Businesses in New York State-COVID-19Read Now![]() Dear PLANT CNY Members-3/20/2020-SCROLL DOWN FOR LATEST UPDATES PLANT CNY and NYSNLA will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and we will update you as more information becomes available to us. Attached you will find a letter that was sent to Governor Cuomo yesterday to try and get us in the ‘essential service’ classification. The guidelines are not very clear at this time and everyone has a lot of questions. We are working hard to get clarification. Here is a link to the GUIDANCE ON EXECUTIVE ORDER 202.6 https://esd.ny.gov/guidance-executive-order-2026 We will continue to monitor all the information and pass it on as it becomes available. Here is a list of some industry actions and some items that might help clarify the latest executive order in NYS.
We are all in this together and we will get through this together! Your PLANT CNY Board Dana, James, Christin, Dale and Beth UPDATE 3/21/2020 We have been working hard to keep you updated as information is available. Please also remember that most of us working on this are volunteers trying our best to work through a difficult situation with limited information. There are lots of people behind the scenes trying to get more clarification for all of you and we will report new information as it becomes available. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this. We would like to pass on another idea that was brought to our attention. We have had a few members tell us that have requested designation as an essential business for themselves. You can submit a request for your business by following this link https://esd.ny.gov/sites/default/files/Request%20for%20Designation%20Form_2.pdf
UPDATE 3/24/2020: We are passing along the latest news we have received from Department of Agriculture and Markets. We will continue working on clarification of essential services and we will update you as more information becomes available. Visit the Dept of Ag site here: https://agriculture.ny.gov/coronavirus As of this morning, SOME of our industry was given "essential" status. Please read carefully and see the attached download below. We will share other updates as they become available. IF you decide to work it is advised you comply with the current NYS suggested best management practices for safe and sanitary workplace environments. Resource: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/home This opportunity is a blessing, but be wise. Be safe out there, and take care of yourselves and your staff. ![]()
For advocacy information and New York State related COVID-19 updates, click to the NYSNLA webpage: https://www.nysnla.com/protecting-you- ![]() Dear valued customer, As you are likely aware the coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a major impact on our daily lives and businesses. Our primary objective during this uncertain period is doing everything possible to ensure the safety of our associates, customers and supplier partners. As such we are taking immediate actions, and in alignment with statewide guidance, to limit company events and gatherings in an effort to reduce the spread of the virus. At this time, we have decided to cancel the upcoming 2020 Turning Stone SiteOne University & Expo. Please be assured that we will be refunding you 100% of any registration fees incurred as part of this event, including Partners Program points. We will follow up with you in the coming days to provide additional details on rescheduling (if applicable), reimbursements, travel credits, etc. but we wanted to alert you immediately so you may adjust your plans accordingly. We apologize for this inconvenience but appreciate your understanding during this uncertain time. Thank you again for allowing us to be your green industry partner. Thank you, Rodney Piasecki SiteOne Landscape Supply ![]() To the members of PLANTCNY, Your March Scoop is attached … Please plan to attend the March Meeting, which is being hosted by Green Scapes Inc., on Thursday, March 12th. See all the details in the Scoop! Thanks, Linda Bennett, Executive Secretary ![]()
To the members of PLANTCNY,
Dave Iannuzzi is arranging for PLANTCNY members to attend the Syracuse Crunch Hockey Game on Saturday evening, February 29th, at 7 p.m., against the Rochester Americans. If you are interested in attending, or for more details regarding cost, tickets, etc., please call Dave at 315-457-3670. Thanks! Linda Linda Bennett, Executive Secretary PLANTCNY Region 4 |
April 2023